Benoit Viaene

Designer / Benoit Viaene
Photographer / Cafeine
Product / Thalostuc
Location / Sint-Martens-Latem

The choice of Thalostuc as a floor finish within this realisation by architect Benoit Viaene is a statement in itself. Instead of being a conventional floor covering that fades into the background, this stucco claims its place as an essential part of the interior with a surface that feels both organic and modern, with deep, rich hues that attract attention. 

The contrast between the black stucco plaster and the white walls is stunning. Where the white surface can create a sense of lightness and space, Thalostuc adds depth and warmth to the interior that gives a whole new dimension. It is an interplay of opposites - light and dark, lightness and weight - that gives this bedroom a sense of balance and vibrance.

The design of the room also highlights the nuances of the materials. Soft lines, simple shapes and powerful colour palettes provide the perfect backdrop to focus on the textures and nuances of the materials used.

The result is an interior that feels both timeless and contemporary. It creates a space that balances on the line between minimalism and expression, with the subtlety of the materials playing the leading role. It is a celebration of contrasts, textures and nuances, and a reminder of the endless possibilities of architecture and design.

Photo modern bedroom with curved ceiling and natural light
Interior with wooden cabinets and Thalostuc wall
Bedroom with black floor and white stucco wall
View of bedroom through doorway with curved ceiling
Stairwell with black steps and white stucco walls
White corridor with curved ceiling
Sink on wooden cabinet with tap and mirror

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We are happy to give you the opportunity to convert your own story into a personal, authentic colour. Visit our studio and get started with our colorist. We provide a hot coffee and are happy to participate in your story. We help you find the right texture and color intensity.


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